Tuesday 16 April 2013

New urbanism: Trincity and Trinidad and Tobago's revolution

Town house of Trincity community 

  1. An international movement concerned with tackling the urban problems associated with urban sprawl and car dependency (Collins English Dictionary).
  2. New urbanism stems from the belief in the ability of the built environment to create a sense of community. It therefore embraces ideas of regionalism, sustainable development, affordable housing, environmental justice, communitarianism and anti-sprawl (Fainstein, 2000).
  3. Utopia is a community or society possessing highly desirable or perfect qualities

New urbanism is an American urban design which spread in the global north and south. The new conception was introduced to Trinidad and Tobago by the Trincity Millennium Vision to reduce urban sprawl in Port of Spain. It reduced the burden and reliance of Port of Spain as a shopping centre, community and commercial hub. The main development plans were to create a livable mixture of new urban communities of small towns and neighborhoods where people could work, live and recreate. Trincity's new urbanism is a mixture ordinary communities with gated communities. New urbanism ‘s marketability encourages future home owners to buy, their brochures advertised  great homes, security and a safe environment to raise a family.

The future of new urbanism in Trinidad and Tobago.

If the ideas of Corbusier: top down approach and Jane Jacobs bottom up approach are applied to the construction of new cities then the possibilities are endless. Should the governments and the private investors choose to use one of these theories? This would lead Trinidad and Tobago to choose the theory which best suit them and the people they want to market their products to. If they chose Jane Jacobs' theory then they would have to use the four principles.
Jane Jacobs' four principles of  good neighborhoods include mixed use, mixed blocks with building of different ages and condition, conventional streets with short blocks and numerous corners and a dense concentration of people, all to encourage a lively and diverse community (Hall and Barrett 2011:141)
Finally the future of new urbanism is the gated community (Carceral). The gated communities are a result of people looking for safety and privacy by giving up pubic communities to become isolates, being an isolate may be difficult to some as they need to adjust to. The people who live in gated communities are ordinary people and they seem happy, so there can be speculation but I cannot compare their lives but I can compare the communities from an outside perceptive. The trend in Trinidad and Tobago is an increase in ordinary communities who convert to gated communities. The trend is simple build high wall ,police the community with private guards, neighborhood watch and rules which govern the community like it was a state and 'presto' an almost perfect community (Utopia).   

Corbusier's idea of housing tall apartments

Bayside Towers

A mansion being built.


Fainstein, S. 2000. New direction in planning theory . Urban affairs review 35(4),451-478.
Hall , T and Barrett, H. 2011, Urban Geography. Routledge, New York

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Great post, I especially like your inclusion of Utopian Theory. :)
